What Materials Work Best for GED Students

If you are a GED teacher, at some point you are sure to wonder if there are some undiscovered resources out there that you should be using. You were probably provided with many great supplies, but at some point either you or your students may become bored with those materials.

The first thing you will probably do is a google search for free materials, and there are many great freebies out there. To make sure that you stay organized, save those files because you will probably use them for years to come.

Here are a few free resources I have available in my TPT store:

Remember that there are also many great materials for purchase, and it may be worth it to spend a few dollars if you know a resource is sure to help your students. The best time to invest a little money for the good of the classroom is when you see your students becoming bored with your routine. When this happens, remember that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to add a little excitement to learning. For just a few dollars, you can revive your students’ motivation.

Here are a few resources that I have created that I pull out to add some instructional variety to class:

These are just a few examples, but I find that anything that gets the students up and moving is usually great. If you are lucky enough to have manipulatives in your classroom, those are always good for a break.

Remember that there are three ways people learn: by seeing, by hearing, and by doing. Instruction that utilizes all three is ideal. If a student is having trouble grasping a concept, try something different. If that doesn’t work, try something else. You WILL eventually find a way to reach your student but be patient. Sometimes it may take a few tries.

Books are great resources, but some students will get overwhelmed if you set a book in front of them because it will be a reminder of just how much information they will need to pass the test. Worksheets, on the other hand, allow students to focus on one task at a time, so they may seem less daunting.

If you just can’t seem to find that perfect resource or that perfect way of presenting information to reach a student, contact me, and I will give you some ideas. I have never given up on a student, and I hope that you won’t either.

Teaching GED is the best job there is, so have fun with it, and make sure your students enjoy the learning journey you take them on.

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